Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm out of clever names.

School started so I have a less time for my blog D:
It makes me kinda sad because I've really enjoyed keeping up with it over the summer.
I meant to have this up the first day of school but I didn't have time.
So you get it now *laughs*

I put my hair in curlers so I could have... curly hair
It didn't work, my hair looked like a big ball of fur.
I get nervous that I will forget something important so I always make a list
If you look at the half that is in black I wrote 1 Corinthians 13
It was a really good reminder for myself.
Like always I pick my shirt out the day before and hang it on my door.
I really like this one.
Oh and yes my door has a sponge bob balloon.
my mommy gave it to me on my 16th birthday.

There is few better ways to start off your day than music.
My choice for the first day of school was of course MUTEMATH
I took one picture at school.
Lindsay, Cody and I.
We have math together and this was on the second day haha

... thats it.
I am gonna try to keep up with
my blog, lets see how this goes.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

htaerb tsuj

kaerb eeffoc a dedeen I

Sunday, August 15, 2010

David and Jerry

I've been wanting a broken tv for a few weeks so I could use it as a prop in photo shoots.
My older sister Angel found one on the side of the road.
She got it for me, I named him Jerry. :)

David is a 2 year old that Angel baby sits and the son of a close friend of the family (thats an understatement, really she's practically a sibling).
David is amazing and loves my camera.

On Friday we took David and Jerry to the park
and had a photo shoot.
Not planned but it was amazing!

Angel and David
Angel is also a photographer
when she doesn't take pics she helps me
when I don't I try to help her.

I am trying to start taking pictures with my
models and stuff but I forget to sometimes
please forgive the mess that is my hair.

This photo shoot was
really fun.
I had a photo shoot today, I'll have pics up soon.

If there is one thing that is harder than finding gold

Its getting James to fake flirt with strangers.

Today I had a photo shoot with two friends.

Hannah, an amazing friend of mine that I have know since I was 5 (I am about to turn 18 now).
James, a friend who I have been going to the same church as since i was two or three, not really friends till the end of last year.

Hannah and James have never met and yesterday they did :]
We spend a good 30 mins trying to get James to laugh because his fake smile is very... fake. lol

So while waiting for that real smile my poor models would get bored
so to keep themselves entertained they would make faces.

The creeper
The creeper- Hannah's version
Under Cover
A happiness that words can't describe.
To make James laugh we put on Flight of the Concords
we got real smiles but their faces are turned the wrong way lol
Mirror Mirror
The beautiful Hannah Fletcher is sporting a thumbs up and no shoes
while James tried to wink at the camera then realized he had an eye patch on.

This one is for lol
Now this was my sketch of my idea
The end product :D

It took like 45 mins
but we got it :]
It took a funny picture of James
on Melissa's forehead
to get him to laugh.

Friday, August 13, 2010

some would say

Thats never good, possibly dangerous for man kind
when I say I've been thinking lol

But all is well, I've been thinking of things that make me happy.
What would that be you ask?
Well just let me tell you :P

by the way: the links aren't gonna lead to something bad or jack up your computer
I just couldn't figure out how to put the videos on my blog haha

Patrick from spongebob
The Office
House of heroes

Thats all I really had to say.
Oh well also I finally came up with a
watermark for my pictures/
a logo for my website
The site isn't up yet but I own the domain
and should have the site up before school ends.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Arron is an old fart.

Arron turned 18 and I am broke.
I made him a cake.

Photo shoot coming up next week, I hope.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


thats all.